Sylvia Molnar, a cooking teacher, goes there at least once a week to buy live fish, especially sturgeon and carp.
Some years ago, I lived next door to a cooking teacher, and she stopped by one day while I was making soup.
The rest of the cooking teachers are young chefs; some are identified, some not.
It is only when her cooking teacher Washu discovered her magical powers that they are to be of use.
Ironically, although she is the cooking teacher, she herself cannot cook.
She knows where there's a Tuscan cooking teacher willing to roll gnocchi with third graders.
In her final report, the cooking teacher provides another perspective on the situation.
She is well known as an effusive and popular cooking teacher and food writer in the Chicago area.
Ms. Murphy, a cooking teacher, got the idea while taking students on tours of ethnic markets.
Only one had books in English, a small house in Normandy that we rented from a cooking teacher.