Lemon tart had loads of citric flavor but the cookie crust was much too thick.
Individual raspberry tarts touched with glaze are set on a veneer of pastry cream in crumbly cookie crusts ($3.75 each).
Yet the pie didn't taste mass-produced, thanks to its one-of-a-kind cookie crust.
The berry, pumpkin and espresso, all with cookie crusts, are not too sweet but exceptionally creamy.
There is also a brilliant version of Tuscany's traditional cheesecake, torta di ricotta, with a cookie crust and hints of Galliano in the filling.
Its mild cherry flavor contrasts with the cookie crust.
Among the pastries are a delicious pear-and-custard tart on a cookie crust and a dense ricotta cheesecake.
The chocolate mousse seems made to order, especially with its deep brown cookie crust and thin ganache topping.
He described his perfect strawberry tart as one with a cookie crust (yes!)
"It's like a cookie crust that is very easy to handle," she explained as she rolled it out and lined a tart mold with it.