But peeling and seeding, a cumbersome process called for in many cookbook recipes, are almost always optional.
A 1943 American cookbook recipe for Wiener Schnitzel includes a white salt and pepper cream gravy.
His face was as solemn as that of a rabbit reading a cookbook recipe for hare soup.
Now, virtually all cookbook recipes use precise measurements.
Nor did they consider the lack of standardization in the industry, which even today can make following a cookbook recipe a gamble.
Her reputation was secured and has never faltered, because unlike so many cookbook recipes, hers are good and always work.
THERE are those cookbook recipes that presume you have all the time in the world to cook.
There appears to be nothing in the Heechee stores that gives us a cookbook recipe for getting anything out of a black hole.
They threatened to block the final budget package and keep the Senate in session, around the clock, with tactics including reading from cookbook recipes containing cheese.
Drugs aren't cookbook recipes.