There's one tweak that cooks can't seem to resist, no matter what their cultural background.
Even the cook seemed to feel no urge to talk with him there.
No one but the cooks and the helpers seemed to feel the need to speak.
The cooks seemed to have outdone themselves; she hadnt recognized most of the dishes on the tables.
The cook did not seem to mind.
Still, he had to admit, this new cook seemed to be the business.
The cook didn't seem to notice him, so Mort pulled up a chair and sat down at the white scrubbed table.
You had better get some of the remaining food from our packs, because the cook seems to think there won't be enough to go around.
Hair singed with a stench the cooks didn't seem to notice.
Italian cooks have always cherished vegetables more than those of us from other lineages ever seem to realize.