Then the policeman's right hand made a convulsive motion.
With a single convulsive motion, Ussmak threw open the hatch above his head and scrambled out.
With a convulsive motion, he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast.
Reese suddenly stopped, then pulled his zipper down to his groin in one convulsive motion.
With a convulsive motion, he grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and started scrawling.
Pitt jumped sideways and ducked around in one convulsive motion.
At the same time, the bulging head nearly touched her throat as the convulsive swallowing motion rippled over the flesh.
The paws went through a convulsive motion, and the limbs contracted.
He was on his knees with a convulsive motion.
The victim began to make weak, convulsive motions, and his mouth twitched.