"Revolutionaries throughout the twentieth century had always been aware that in order to bring about a convulsive political change".
That's Right The emphasis on domestic affairs developed even as the world went through its most convulsive changes since the 1950's.
Not only downtown children feel convulsive changes in their lives.
He is deeply unclear about what conditions of cultural coherence and consensus are actually compatible with the convulsive changes that accompany modern life.
At home, the United States witnessed convulsive change especially in the area of race relations.
Now it faces the convulsive changes of urbanization and industrial capitalism with impressive aplomb.
Dramatic, convulsive change marks the business of American health care.
All three women have something to say about the Parisian magic that seems somehow to have survived convulsive and even brutal change.
Novelists do not respond instantaneously to convulsive change the way journalists do.
It's the total almost convulsive changes that were enacted in one package that are affecting the questions you're asking.