I seem plagued by convoluted sentences today - sorry!
As for convoluted and backside-to sentences, the problem is that the point of a statement should ordinarily come first.
Mrs. Kennelly has now become known for her convoluted and sometimes puzzling sentences.
One long convoluted sentence with three semicolons and two colons made me laugh aloud.
Those subjects are tricky enough without trying to write about them in convoluted sentences heavy with opaque metaphors and intricate similes.
Professor Barnard neither faltered in his convoluted sentence nor graced her with a glance.
More careful editing would have smoothed out convoluted sentences and sloppy writing.
She explained Corina's ploy for covering his disappearance in several convoluted sentences.
After a long convoluted sentence explaining this in the abstract, she gives examples from everyday life.
I was still puzzling out this last convoluted sentence when Delaunay's sharp gaze fell upon Alcuin and myself.