A sporting event had come on the television, and it began to infiltrate the conversation that was struggling to survive among three convivial men at the other end of the bar.
He was a popular and convivial man- even Frank O'Connor, who came to regard him with deep suspicion, admitted that he was a delightful person to meet.
He is said to have been a devoted husband and a convivial man among men.
Down the corridor, in the well-stocked bar, half a dozen convivial men with fiddles and accordions are getting stuck into their weekly folk session.
He was a hospitable and convivial man.
A convivial man, he liked to dine and dance; a competitive man, he wanted the world to admire the woman he had won.
It was good professional policy, Glennys knew, but more than that, Jonathan was a convivial man.
He was a popular, convivial and hospitable man with something of a reputation for hard drinking.
Devoted to each other, Celer and Nepos were liked and esteemed, for they were charming and convivial men.
A famously convivial man, Edrich was married five times and had two sons, Jasper and Justin.