In the end the film has to tell viewers what to feel, since it can't convincingly show them.
He convincingly shows that our pursuit of novelty fails the value test.
Simon shows convincingly that these symptoms afflicted him not just in his early years but later on as well.
The study showed convincingly that smaller classes significantly helped children from poorer minority families.
This has been convincingly shown by Finnish historians to be a myth.
What I am suggesting is that you shouldn't waste your time on things that have been convincingly shown not to work.
The hatchet head found in the basement was not convincingly shown to be the murder weapon.
It has been convincingly shown that psychological factors play an important role in the presence of post-concussion symptoms.
But he convincingly shows that even a promiscuous (and careless) heterosexual has little chance of getting the disease.
Unless it can be shown convincingly that a child actually directed the gift and controls the money in question, such contributions violate the law.