Indeed, legal experts say, many judges refuse to give juries an Allen charge, thinking that if the jury is split, the prosecution has not convincingly proved its case.
But most Americans do not consider the Bush administration corrupt, and Paul Krugman cannot convincingly prove it is.
We have had two bonus winners, Risen Star and Bet Twice, who convincingly proved that the system is working.
As the band travels through the eerie forest of Mirkwood, Bilbo has an opportunity to convincingly prove his worth to the others.
The accusation turned out to be hard to prove or disprove convincingly, but the re-enactment clearly occurred and the dispute turned on whether the judge directed it.
The 1981 tax cuts prove convincingly that lower marginal rates for high-income earners expand the tax base and raise revenues.
If nothing else - and there is much else in this volume - the book convincingly proves that weeds are one of nature's grand designs.
But the threat is mostly fictitious - as a ruling this week by such a dispute panel convincingly proves.
If the plaintiff can prove immediately and convincingly that the defendant is intending to publish palpable untruths, an injunction could be granted.
Merck, for instance, undertook a study that proved convincingly that its anticholesterol drug Zocor saves lives.