A robot designed to be a convincing imitation of a human is specifically known as an android.
At that point, his opponent had put on a most convincing imitation of anger.
It figures, Mitzi nodded, then began a convincing imitation of her father.
It has to be you; neither of us is small enough to pull off a convincing imitation of a child.
The Franklin, in fact, offers a convincing imitation of a costlier hotel.
And the Main Rec room won't answer after giving a convincing imitation of a disaster area.
Three men, dressed in quite convincing imitation of farmhands, made the approach.
He gawked in what he hoped was a convincing imitation of concern.
A younger man in your place certainly wouldn't have been so uptight, even if she was real and not just a convincing imitation." "
Nahrmahn, on the other hand, can give a very convincing imitation of one.