Kent thinks such preservation can work, despite huge obstacles that have convinced scientists these ideas - particularly freezing - are absurd.
But successes in Japan, he added, have convinced the Energy Department and medical scientists that a new try is warranted.
The difference is what convinces most scientists that the two objects are not true moons formed from the same material as the parent body.
The documentary also subjects Mr. Tammet to a series of tests intended to amaze viewers and convince scientists that he's not, somehow, cheating.
Years of studying the rotations of galaxies near and far have convinced scientists that there is much more to the universe than what they can see.
It is not one individual study, however, but the entire range of studies, taken as a whole, that has convinced most social scientists of the probability of a link.
Five strong earthquakes have shaken India in the last decade, and new evidence has convinced scientists that much worse appears not only inevitable, but overdue.
His 'serialism', however, the theory he provided to account for them, failed to convince scientists that it fused with the new physics.
He has no intention, he adds, of carrying out the tedious studies necessary to convince skeptical scientists of his birds'-feet theory.
To everyone's surprise he succeeded in observing the predicted spot, which convinced most scientists of the wave-nature of light.