Mr. Trimble spent the last week in an energetic effort to convince his party not to abandon the peace accords.
Huffington's defeat also allowed George W. Bush to convince his party to adopt hug-an-immigrant slogans.
Having spent years trying to convince my party that we should trust our members to select the leader, the 79 per cent turnout gives me some satisfaction.
Each leader tried to convince his party that the arrangement could work, but skeptics remained in both camps.
Last year, President Clinton could not convince his own party to give him authority to negotiate trade agreements, the first time such authority has been denied in a generation.
Hamilton convinced his party that Jefferson would be a lesser political evil than Burr and that such scandal within the electoral process would undermine the new constitution.
They tried to convince Clark's party to join them in climbing higher.
But Brown needs to convince his party this will work.
But they didn't succeed in convincing their party and left the cabinet in 1991 with Michel Rocard.
But Prime Minister Murayama convinced his party today to accede to the sales tax rise by promising to allocate some of its revenues for social programs.