The key, then, to Palestinian empowerment is to convince Israelis that it would be safe to do so.
The incident could help convince Israelis of the need for electoral reforms to reduce the power of extremists and provide for greater political stability and accountability.
"Sharon needs steps by the Palestinian Authority to convince Israelis that the settlers are wrong," the official said.
Day after day Mr. Husseini lectured Palestinians on the need to convince Israelis of their commitment to peace and Israel's security.
Either somehow Arafat will manage to convince Israelis that he is a different Arafat, or at some point they get him.
To win a mandate in the May elections for continued peace negotiations, Prime Minister Peres must convince Israelis that security, not diplomacy, is his first priority.
And it was the failure to achieve military victory in the intifada that convinced most Israelis that they must accept a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem.
But in the long term, Mr. Rabin's successors will have to convince Israelis that it is safe to withdraw still more troops from the West Bank.
They have to convince Israelis and American Jews that they are ready for peace.
Still, Mr. Peres, leader of the Labor Party, is stumping the country trying to convince Israelis that his is the right course.