Although we barely conveyed more than simple details - "chicken for dinner," "hot today" - I looked forward to it.
The painting is strikingly illusionistic, conveying not just details but a sense of the weight of the woman and the table.
The poem achieves this by being less concerned about conveying details of the dreams and Daniel's prophecies.
To that end, Mr. Aspin's supporters were eagerly conveying details of Mr. Leath's conservative voting record.
The other six tersely convey mundane details of Wright's life and serve only to illustrate Dr. Walker's friendship with Wright.
The new cast members were at their best when conveying campier details without being overwhelmed by them.
They look quick and loose, but Mr. Shils also makes the brush strokes convey details.
AMD later produced the Am286 under the same arrangement, but Intel canceled the agreement in 1986 and refused to convey technical details of the i386 part.
Slouka has a knack for conveying errant details and impressions, the sense of promise and of sheer haphazardness that constitutes a traveler's reality.
This is not to say that Mr. Wolff doesn't try to convey details of his Vietnam experience.