Wang's English is improving, and he speaks well enough to convey basic points to the news media after games.
A separate matter is the varied success at conveying evacuation instructions to personnel in the North Tower after the South Tower's collapse.
Yet he manages to convey a sense of competence, which may prove to be more valuable political coin than excitement after years of scandals and mishaps in Washington.
Bassett says Washington once conveyed a compliment after a scene by squeezing her hand.
An enjoyable watch with Andy simply wearing grey streaks to convey the passing of time after a long prison stretch.
Many members of the country's business community also conveyed their shock after the killing.
Al Husayn quickly conveyed his disposition shortly after prayer.
Hammond conveyed his thoughts before and after a days filming in a video-diary style filmed in his hotel room at the Lincoln Hotel.
I will convey that to the Council after the voting session.
They conveyed it to those after them as they were commanded.