And how to convey our valuable fleet across the land between the two flows?
Upon arrival, guests would be met by horse-drawn carriages at the station and conveyed across the street to the resort's main building.
Normally it was used to convey perishable items across vacuum.
Archer tried to convey each side's belief systems across the divide, but each group thought he had aligned himself with the other.
If you can convey something about your life across the proscenium, then ultimately you're going to reach people.
After remaining here just long enough to note these things, he was marched out again, and conveyed across the parade-ground to another portion of the building.
Jackson called out on the line often during the business day to convey precise instructions to his associates across the globe.
The Howrah Bridge, itself a national monument, conveys you across the river to the city center.
Each relay station would also require its compliment of skilled operator-observers to convey messages back and forth across the line.
Without warriors or weapons, how could I convey one like her across the steppes?