The current facility is a converted garage, sorely in need of renovation and expansion.
That home is a converted garage on the East River end of North Third Street in Williamsburg.
For the moment, his office is a converted garage behind the duplex in Los Angeles where he lives with his wife, Alice, and 6-year-old daughter, Rachel.
The sign for his gym, in his converted garage.
For instance, she rescues unwanted ferrets, a rollicking roomful of which live in her converted garage.
Propped up against a shoemaker's shop on a quiet street, Sawtooth Borders is a converted garage with bright blue trim.
The studio is a converted one-car garage that looks more like a consignment shop than an artist's workroom.
Their headquarters is a converted garage at 621 West 42d Street in Manhattan.
A converted garage is partly set up as a bunkhouse and also has workshop and storage space.
Jeremy's is a converted garage and the kegs are stacked in the corner like bowling pins.