For example, at one time, the company explored the possibility of converting pet waste into methane gas.
The plant will convert municipal solid waste into power, meeting the energy needs of approximately 35,000 homes.
To be successful, a program must convert waste into usable products.
Door-to-door surveys and data analysis were used to come up with a business model to convert organic waste to compost.
Larvae are best at quickly converting "high-nutrient" waste into animal feed.
The city would construct a network of "resource recovery" plants, incinerators that convert waste to energy.
Additionally, progressive research is being conducted on converting solid waste into usable energy.
An additional area of ongoing study is converting waste into plant nutrients by way of composting.
There are reactors which can convert radioactive waste to energy.
The incinerator industry is endangered as more towns cancel plans to build plants that convert waste to energy.