Whilst at Hastings he converted to a central defensive role from his more familiar role as a striker.
It was converted to an armoured role in 1920.
Converted to a full-back role, Machin played 117 appearances and scored four times for the club.
The troops were converted back to a role of armoured reconnaissance.
And, with proper configuration, each of these airplanes could be converted to a fighter-bomber role.
In Dr. Vescovi's work, the body's own local signals apparently converted the neural stem cells to a new role.
It was converted to an armoured role during World War II.
Stewart successfully converted to a starting role with the A's, posting a 9-5 record.
Marville's two remaining squadrons converted to a strictly reconnaissance role.
During 1943, P-39 training activity slowed as the airfield prepared to convert to a new role of training B-24 aircrews.