Sensitivity indicates how well the microphone converts acoustic pressure to output voltage.
We just can't convert pressure into points'.
"The machine itself, that's a human invention; but the fire-pearls are what makes it work - they convert pressure into electricity and vice versa."
The actuators convert hydraulic pressure into control surface movements.
The key area of focus therefore is how to convert pressure into points and how to finish off by scoring tries.
It converts exhaust heat and pressure to rotation.
RICE use pistons that alternatively move back and forth to convert pressure into rotating motion.
The remaining part in each formula merely converts pressure in atm produced by depth in water, to the depth.
A microphone converts sound pressure at some place to just a function of time, using a voltage signal as an analog of the sound signal.
Hydraulic (liquid) and pneumatic (gas) engines convert fluid pressure into other desirable mechanical or electrical work.