Each had a different conversion price, and not all have done as well as the first.
Investors can also convert the notes into common stock at a conversion price of $86.54 a share.
Details about the investment, including the interest rate to be paid on the debt and the conversion price for the shares, were not disclosed.
The conversion price on that issue would be reduced to $5.50 under this plan.
The bonds, with conversion prices in the low $20's, are trading well below what investors paid for them.
The conversion price will be $8.50 a share.
The debentures are convertible into common stock at a conversion price of $5.125 a share.
Each note is convertible into common stock at a conversion price of $14.806 a share.
That would mean an effective conversion price, based on an original investment of $489 million, of $16.84 a share.
A lower conversion price makes it easier for the underwriter to sell the bonds.