There were a dozen or so people standing in conversational groups of twos or threes about the room.
Seven adults, a baby, and a cat packed into a third of a schoolbus made a nice intimate conversational group.
"She-" I stopped talking as a stir ran through the little conversational groups around us.
The other guests had formed conversational groups or were looking out of the windows.
Individually or artfully arranged in conversational groups, each figure carries a particular identity even though its scale is very small.
There were several small conversational groups clustered in the lobby.
BUT it is the doors, standing in conversational groups, that inhabit the room with a strange, evocative presence.
Twenty-two Capulet guests busy themselves in conversational groups, looking everywhere but at the star-crossed lovers.
She put a pleasant look on her face and grabbed the first likely conversational group she saw, about seven or eight people.
While conversational groups formed all over the room, Nechayev turned to address her aides.