Fifty-two of the conventionally treated patients had a total of 98 such events.
Most children who develop epilepsy are treated conventionally with anticonvulsants.
While it is conventionally treated as a dialect of Greek, some compendia treat it as a separate language.
Infinite categories are conventionally treated differently for group algebras and incidence algebras; the definitions agree for finite categories.
It is the most common cause of blindness and is conventionally treated with surgery.
Human infection is conventionally treated with metronidazole, tinidazole or nitazoxanide.
On eastern capitals the eagle, the lion and the lamb are occasionally carved, but treated conventionally.
The Inpi Suok are conventionally treated as members of the Chief's family but they must work and toil harder than genuine members.
The Mijikenda dialects are indeed mutually intelligible, though they are conventionally treated as separate languages.
English-language writings have conventionally treated nemertean as "primitive" acoelomate bilaterians that are most closely related to flatworms (Platyhelminthes).