The other men were dressed conventionally, those I saw then in the clearing.
Thrives on attention and shocking others, never appears dressed conventionally.
Callina, more conventionally dressed, looked on with mild disfavor.
He was conventionally dressed, but something in his manner hinted at obligatory black-tie appearances for local charity events.
Caroline followed, happily, the conventionally dressed Lehr through a second drawing room to a library, newly panelled with ancient wood.
She could sally forth boldly, dressed conventionally, and take a cab to anywhere she wished.
But there is also the afterimage of a woman conventionally dressed to please, who knows she cannot.
He was about thirty-five; conventionally dressed.
If it made the more conventionally dressed of his colleagues wince occasionally, that was merely a source of malicious pleasure to him.
And then added, "Miss Robb is probably conventionally dressed this time."