Conventionally described as postnuptials, they can also be interpreted as predivorce papers.
The galvanic cell, as the one shown in the figure, are conventionally described using the following notation:
It has several dialects, conventionally described according to the locations of the people:
A electromagnetic wave propagating in the +z-direction is conventionally described by the equation:
In robotics, these are conventionally described by Denavit-Hartenberg parameters.
A new industrial America in which class and ethnic distinctions will yield to mobility and money is described conventionally but with admirable fluency in these dances.
The name Ligeex is conventionally described as being of Heiltsuk linguistic origin and as meaning Stone Cliff.
Jompong Larang immediately becomes enamoured of his beauty, which is conventionally described in a passage of narrator's text (267-273).
The calcaneocuboid joint is conventionally described as among the least mobile joints in the human foot.
In this position, she was conventionally described as "a true mother to all her nuns", correcting their faults, significantly enough to record, with words, not blows.