I think many people go to the cinema without doing any research....those expecting a conventional thriller would have been sorely disappointed.
I'd heard the name, but never read anything of his before - I don't really do conventional thrillers.
On that note, I mentioned in the piece that I hadn't come across Don Winslow's work because I'm not really a reader of conventional thrillers.
I'll probably seek him out after reading Satori, but the point was that I'd kind of classed him as a "conventional thriller" (whatever that is) writer.
He had previously produced more conventional thrillers like "End of Days" and "Air Force One."
Starting as a conventional thriller about a cop (Miami Vice's Don Johnson) with marital and drinking problems, it escalates excitingly.
TO the scientific mystery Harris has added, for good measure, the stuff of more conventional thrillers.
But "The Good Wife," which I read during daylight hours, turns out to have even less in common with conventional thrillers than his previous books do.
"Fatal Attraction," which opens today at the Paramount and other theaters, is a thoroughly conventional thriller at heart, but its heart is not what will attract notice.
This is a mainstream conventional thriller, visceral and plot driven, with a recognizable brilliant actress.