When he criticized the insincerity of conventional language, Fronto took to defend it.
I don't care if it follows some conventional language I have never learned.
Certainly also there was another more conventional language, not of barking so much.
Uddhacca is not the same as what we mean by "restlessness" or "agitation", used in conventional language.
The reality of vicikicchā is not the same as what we mean by doubt in conventional language.
Phassa is different from what we mean in conventional language by physical contact or touch.
It differs from conventional languages in that programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid.
To learn for one-self one uses more than the conventional language and number skills, plus one's ability to locate an appropriate evening school class.
This leaves us in no better position to understand the program than if it was written in a conventional procedural language.
But giving up on Dylan meant starting over again, with a more conventional language.