Low prices for commodity crops encouraging conventional farmers to take the organic plunge.
The producer sees a reduction in labor because he or she does not have to be in the fields as long as a conventional farmer.
There are not enough people who can financially turn from a conventional farmer to a conservationist.
He's bridged over to the conventional farm community to help conventional farmers reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizer.
Organic farmers are paid on the basis of production costs; conventional farmers are not.
"I don't throw stones at the conventional farmers," Mr. Davis was quick to add.
One complicating factor, he noted, is that some conventional farmers also use manure in fertilizer.
This could lead to conventional farmers or organic farmers not having any choice.
It probably shouldn't come as a big surprise that conventional farmers would have trouble embracing the notion of an insect refuge.
Yet at the same time, seeing millionaires dabbling in organic growing makes some conventional farmers leery of its economic viability.