Myeloma patients who respond to treatment show a progressive fall in the M protein until a plateau is reached; subsequent treatment with conventional doses does not result in any further improvement.
Mantz CA, Song P, Farhangi E, et al.: Potency probability following conformal megavoltage radiotherapy using conventional doses for localized prostate cancer.
For those who crave a less conventional dose of comfort but still want the convenience of a mix, there are instant flavored coffees, like Dutch chocolate and orange cappuccino.
A randomized controlled trial compared conventional doses of salvage chemotherapy to high-dose chemotherapy with autologous marrow rescue in 263 patients with recurrent or refractory germ cell tumors.
Using equation (1), the time-dose fractionation parameters were incorporated to transform the conventional dose to BED at each conventional dose level.
The conventional dose of radiation therapy ranges between 54 Gy and 60 Gy given locally to the primary tumor site in single daily fractions.
Detergent laxatives (eg, docusate) at conventional doses are only stool softeners, and are rarely effective when used alone for patients at the end-of-life.
These adverse reactions respond to treatment with conventional doses of analgesic and antihistaminics.
The use of such mechanical methods of fluid removal can produce meaningful clinical benefits in patients with diuretic resistance and may restore responsiveness to conventional doses of diuretics.
Adverse effects Long-term use of inhaled corticosteroids at conventional doses carries a minor risk of adverse effects.