By contrast, most conventional automobiles at the time used water-cooled four-stroke engines with 4 or more cylinders mounted in the front.
The batteries in conventional automobiles cost about $100 for each kilowatt-hour of storage capacity.
This article addresses a related but less common question: Are hybrid cars more expensive to insure than conventional automobiles?
Environmentalists carp that industry is simply trying to preserve the status quo and avoid more immediate steps to improve the fuel efficiency of conventional automobiles.
The skateboard itself contains crumple zones similar to those in conventional automobiles.
Many of the towns listed are accessible in conventional automobiles.
In a conventional automobile, these energy transformations are involved:
Even with these issues considered, e-bikes will have significantly lower environmental impact than conventional automobiles, and are generally seen as environmentally desirable in an urban environment.
In an effort to reduce costs and overhead, the company switched to using Fiat mechanicals and chassis for all of its conventional automobiles.
In a conventional automobile the geared transmission delivers different discrete engine speed-torque power requirements to the wheels.