In 1706, her remains were transferred to the convent church.
The convent church is one of the few Carolingian buildings to have survived intact.
The convent church was built much later, in the early 12th century.
The church has twin entrances, which was common with convent churches.
The altar of the convent church stands over the spot where the bodies were found, in what was once the 31-year-old Prince's bedroom.
The two towers which can be seen in the picture are the campanili of the convent church.
It was removed and disassembled during the renovation of the convent church in the seventeenth century.
The latter's heart is preserved in the small convent church of the Clarisse (17th century).
In the Advent of 1867 he gave conferences in the convent church.
All that is still preserved is the former convent church from the 12th century.