So he conveniently overlooked the importance of being with his wife when she was having her cancer test.
For not all support programs are created equal, a fact that has been conveniently overlooked in the new free-market campaign to eliminate them.
Some points you conveniently overlooked the first time.
They were light-years apart and in different time periods-two more facts she had conveniently overlooked.
Conveniently overlooking the fact that he scored two goals in the first leg, including a sensational last minute winner.
But he conveniently overlooks the many chances he had to engage the terrorists.
Conveniently overlooked in the stereotyping is the fact that the United Nations helps fill our pockets.
"Dr. Kelly has conveniently overlooked one critical point: the masks are religious objects, unlike everything else she cited."
The analogy conveniently overlooks his $30 million contract.
His office conveniently overlooks the county office building.