If he's got a better and more convenient service, he gets the moolah.
Due to its proximity to the city, Rongotai offered air travelers one of the most convenient services in the world.
Truth is, this has got to be a reliable, on-time and convenient service.
Palanginan to provide convenient medical services at a lower costs to the people of the Zambales.
Even though your bank offers a variety of convenient services, chances are they're not free.
From May 1990, there will be three convenient new Multipoint services.
The result will be a much larger carrier providing more convenient service.
As the only other bookstore was downtown, the Co-op provided a convenient and valuable service.
While tenants clearly benefit from subsidized space and convenient services, the host university benefits as well, advocates say.
Given more convenient service at competitive fares, customers stuck to the airlines they knew.