Deep convection is a convective process in a medium, usually in an atmosphere or ocean, that in some sense spans the vertical.
Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
All convective processes also move heat partly by diffusion, as well.
The dissipative convective process results the opposition of diffusion gradients and friction between the polyelectrolyte chains.
This brine then sinks, inducing convective processes in the water column below.
The FCL is important to a variety of convective processes and to severe thunderstorm forecasting.
Thus, conduction can be said to "transfer" heat only as a net result of the process, but may not do so at every time within the complicated convective process.
Cirrocumulus are, like other members of the cumuliform category, formed via convective processes.
As it develops at fixed areas in the plasma, kinks belong to the class of "absolute plasma instabilities", as opposed to convective processes.
The remainder of the star's interior carries energy away from the core through a combination of radiative and convective processes.