This week's controversy could also prompt Congress to focus on more practical questions about how to respond if terrorists try to interfere with the voting.
The heightened scrutiny and controversy surrounding capital punishment prompted action in many states this year.
The growing controversy over the secret work has prompted some prominent experts to call for new national policies.
The controversy also prompted some commenters to question why the Peruvian government has not done more to identify and develop athletes within the country.
The controversy prompted Congress to let the law lapse for 18 months during the early 1990's.
The controversy also has prompted a move for new legislation in New Jersey.
Whether the controversy prompted a debate within the Vatican is not known.
The resulting controversy ultimately prompted CTA to change its policy.
The controversy prompted me to go downtown a couple of times to see for myself what all the fuss was about.
Still, the controversy is already prompting modifications in the plan.