Another controversial use of auto clickers is for cheating in games.
This collection was highlighted by the controversial use of one boot made from Minke whale skins.
The most controversial use of the system is in self-spotting, where a competitive station sends a spot advertising its own operation on the air.
Another controversial use of the packet cluster system is known as cheerleading.
The most controversial use of soft money has been in "issue advertising" financed by the national political parties.
The controversial use of the word "inerrancy" was not inserted into the section on Scripture.
The papers' recent front page coverage has not mentioned McGwire's controversial use of legal steroids.
Researching various government experiments, Gilligan discovered the controversial use of low-frequency waves.
Another controversial use of the Act was in the settling of labour disputes.
Philadelphia's controversial use of the death penalty, however, is worth examining, as capital punishment surges in popularity.