Humiliating the clients of prostitutes as a way to attack prostitution is a controversial tactic that has been used with limited success in the past.
News reports have attempted to connect Boykin with controversial tactics.
"Truth displays" are a controversial tactic, including within the pro-life movement.
Though it is the very model of conservative management, its policies sometimes support controversial financial tactics that have roiled the marketplace.
The final phase of Project C introduced a revolutionary and controversial new tactic that used young people in the demonstrations.
In the end, Natima was not the only one who chose to agree to Russol's controversial tactics.
Sanctions are a controversial tactic, though, for more than political reasons.
There is the most controversial tactic of all: walking out.
The two had forged a strange and uncomfortable rivalry this season, mired with controversial tactics.
The article also points to controversial tactics used when distributing fliers on college campuses.