A controversial memoir by a man who was an alcoholic and a crack addict.
The plot concerns the murder of Colonel Carterette, an enthusiastic fisherman in charge of publishing the controversial memoirs of the local baronet.
Mike Sweeney of New Statesman listed the book among five of the most controversial memoirs.
Tzara's legacy in literature also covers specific episodes of his biography, beginning with Gertrude Stein's controversial memoir.
In 1998 a controversial memoir by Naipaul's sometime protégé Paul Theroux was published.
"Spycatcher," the controversial memoirs of Peter Wright, a retired British intelligence agent, has become a surprise best seller in the United States.
After leaving the team, he wrote Out of Their League, a controversial memoir about his experiences in football.
Having had his sentence reduced to 18 years and 6 months, Lecca was ultimately released from prison in 1963, and soon after began writing his controversial memoirs.
He wrote the foreword to Fritz Zorn's controversial memoirs Mars.
The film was based on The American Black Chamber, the controversial memoirs of Herbert Yardley, founder and head of MI8.