Volpe subsequently chaired the sponsoring group of an immigrant counseling agency called Alliance Community Services, which received a controversial $500,000 grant from the federal government in January 1984.
To cut the endowment loose because of a few controversial grants - come on!
Take Mr. Buchanan, who has shamelessly used a few controversial grants by the arts agency as an inflammatory campaign issue against President Bush.
On top of this, she pointed out, in response to several controversial grants, Congress eliminated Federal support for most individual artists, except writers.
These questions have proved to be far more lethal to N.E.A. intentions than the attacks of conservatives on a few controversial grants.
As with many such university programs in "peace and conflict studies", questions have been raised concerning political bias and controversial grants.
In a recent interview, she made clear her dim view of some of the endowment's more controversial grants in recent years.
Another case of Kwaśniewski's controversial grant of pardon was the Peter Vogel case.
N.E.A. council backs study of five controversial grants Casual contact or sexual abuse?
Leonard Garment, a lawyer and an arts advocate, pointed to the endowment's admirable record of just 20 controversial grants among 85,000.