One can get into similar controversial debates as to whether Taiwanese is a language or a dialect.
These however, have been the subject of controversial debate amongst the Sikh community.
First-person shooters have also been traditionally quite popular in recent years, which has become a controversial debate.
So I will avoid the controversial academic debates and try to explain what power is and how individuals or groups get it.
Covers the basics and some of the most controversial current debates.
They have been the subject of a certain amount of controversial debate, which I personally regret.
We are not talking about a controversial debate on any particular type of sanction.
After a very controversial debate we now have a compromise package for second reading.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, you have all heard how controversial the debate about this 2011 budget is.
I should like to thank all those Members who have taken part in this highly controversial debate so far.