In the mid to late 80's he was a former popular and highly controversial political stand-up comedian called "Badd Guy."
C.J. has to get a controversial comedian to turn down an invitation to host a dinner the President will be attending.
Lenny Bruce, the noted and controversial comedian, lived at the Marlton Hotel during his widely publicized six-month trial for obscenity in 1964.
By the time of his death at 32, he had become known as one of America's most controversial comedians.
However, there were times when 16 Magazine did push the envelope in its content, such as when Stavers published an obituary for her friend, the controversial comedian Lenny Bruce.
A 1995 video release of these early clips, Anyone For Pennis, assured success for the controversial comedian, who sought to broaden Pennis's scope.
Ben Elton has proved himself the most popular and the most controversial comedian to emerge in recent years.
Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, commonly known as Dieudonné, has become a controversial French comedian.
But how much do you really know about the controversial comedian?
The Detroit native understands that humor is part of his draw and like any controversial comedian, he pushes the limits.