At present I think a beaver experiment should be in a controlled space, accessible to the public, and I am sure it would be a tourist moneyspinner.
He imagines himself away from all that has happened, isolated and senseless in a controlled and controlling space.
He kept close watch on what was happening through controlled space, and even the occasional problems were more stimulating than irritating.
This lets White maintain an advantage in controlled space but also challenges him to show how he can profit by it.
You an' entering a controlled space.
No other signposting was used in these blue zones to mark the controlled space - instead the parking discs showed the regulations on the back side.
You may create a controlled space for an agent to explore.
Black gets the two bishops this way, but White obtains a nice superiority in controlled space with which to augment his initiative.
Raising animals on grain in controlled spaces is a reliable pursuit.
Sphere Sador has a radius of almost five hundred light-years - a volume of controlled space a hundred and twenty-five times as great as ours.