The desire to control the sound and vibration from passing trains was a major consideration in the layout of the estate.
Tuned mass dampers are widely used in production cars, typically on the crankshaft pulley to control torsional vibration and bending modes of the crankshaft, on the driveline for gearwhine, and other noises.
Heating and cooling equipment was designed to control airborne noise and vibration.
In other cases shock mounting of systems to control vibration may be in order.
"That is definitely one vehicle where we focused not only on making it quiet, but making sure the quality of what you hear is appropriate," said Jeff Neville, one of G.M.'s experts in controlling noise and vibration.
Generally big-capacity engines have more cylinders, as smaller pistons/valves weigh less, are easier to control and generate less vibration.
They are useful for controlling vibration, positioning applications and quick switching.
Acoustic foam comes in a variety of sizes and can be attached to walls, ceilings, doors, and other features of a room to control noise levels, vibration, and echoes.
The Lockheed L-188 turboprop, first flown in 1957, used some of these materials and became a costly lesson in controlling vibration and planning around metal fatigue.
Advanced Cerametrics, in Lambertville, makes ceramic fibers that are used in tennis rackets to control vibration.