The subject covers activities from control technology to aesthetic product design.
The owner or operator shall provide a description of the control technology.
Q. We're still left with this issue of how to pick a starting point, of what is reasonably available control technology.
The new standards are designed to force the development of new control technologies.
Process control technology manages industrial processes and makes sure any variations in production are kept within set limits.
After negotiating the bids, a contract for implementing the control technology is awarded.
In the 1990s the steam generators and the control technology of the reactor protecting system have been replaced.
He is a pioneer of robotics and remote control technology.
The report concludes that no single parental control technology available today works across all media platforms.
In the second phase, the control technology is installed.
We must all be allies in the effort to control modern medical technology.
He is able to control technology with his brain, making him "the ultimate human upgrade" according to the show's introduction.
Should we control technology or the dark side?
Now able to control technology, Henshaw appears to his wife in a robotic body.
But Americans cannot control technology; increasingly, it controls them.
But it must tightly control advanced military technology.
"The people must control technology" is a plausible slogan, but it has two possible meanings.
Society also controls technology through the choices it makes.
We do not control technology, but are controlled by it.
The answer is that man does control technology just not all of mankind.