One reason is that these drugs are controlled substances.
Government agencies also worked to control other carcinogenic substances such as asbestos and pesticides.
It is an opiate listed as a Schedule I controlled substance.
The provisions of the Act are not directed at the general protection of the environment but rather targets to control dangerous and toxic substances.
Tell you what, Jamie, I think your visitors were trying to pass you controlled substances.
L. 91-513, was implemented on October 27, 1970 to control and regulate both prescribed and illegal substances.
But anabolic steroids are controlled substances and can be acquired legally only in rare medical circumstances.
It is considered a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States.
I would therefore urge Parliament to support the committee's proposals relating to the arrangements for controlling new ozone-depleting substances.
At first, it was probably no more than petty corruption-the idea of controlling a disease or substance that was highly addictive, perhaps.