But efforts to control sprawl will be one of the persistent issues as housing growth continues in the 90's.
The park provides a haven for many different species of bird, plants and bugs and acts as an important brownfield land to control urban sprawl.
The Governor plans to push for several "smart growth" restrictions to control suburban sprawl.
The conservation programs will help densely populated states hoping to control urban sprawl.
And county officials refused, against state orders, to make any efforts to control urban sprawl in forested areas.
There is a desire by the city to control urban sprawl by requesting higher density for new development.
We can avoid losing the best agricultural land by controlling land degradation, freshwater depletion and urban sprawl.
A more divisive issue may be how to control sprawl in growing neighborhoods while preserving open spaces for farms and recreation.
He has won praise for reducing air pollution in the Grand Canyon and for trying to control urban sprawl.
Efforts are under way to try to control suburban sprawl.