They have a shrinking but substantial string of local governments, not just in the suburban Paris "Red Belt," which control patronage.
Black elected officials, their divisions, and battles with white governors who controlled patronage and their ultimate failure.
The shogun controlled foreign policy, the military, and feudal patronage.
In the 19th century, a few favored aristocrats competed to control patronage in the new state.
Friends encouraged him to run for county judge, a powerful position which controlled county funds and patronage, and he announced his candidacy on August 22, 1908.
Yet they often appear to be working at cross-purposes and have yet to coalesce around a political idea other than controlling patronage and dispensing favors.
He was deprived of much of his power to control patronage and with it the ability to dominate the state party conventions.
"He controls the money, patronage and jobs," said one state official who asked not to be identified.
He runs a smuggling network that controls patronage for thousands.
Like mayors of cities, county executives control considerable patronage and have access to contributions.