A correct answer gave the player control of the network the show was airing on.
They try to forcibly take control of the network, but are resisted by the other leaders.
"But you are in control of the entire network?"
Then if this Dread's got control of the network and he hates you so much, why are you still alive?
"It's clear that in today's world you need to have control of the entire network."
Under the new structure, he would only have retained control of the network, even if one twice as large.
BT has operational control of the network for tasks such as load balancing.
Dax felt an electric crackle of power rush through her as another mind added its control of the network to hers.
With this network, the botnet's owner can retain control of the network even if the infected machines can't reach the servers.
At the beginning of the nineties, control of the network was transferred to a public enterprise, Metro de Madrid.