We urgently need to control nuclear materials to forestall that threat, but in this war on proliferation, we're now slipping backward.
Understanding, predicting, and controlling materials and their functionalities for discovery and design of new materials to enable transformational advances in energy technologies.
These are called coordination mechanisms or schemes, which control the flows of information, materials (or service) and financial assets along the chains.
There were five nuclear-weapons nations, the rest were nonnuclear-weapons nations, and the best way to maintain that status was to control nuclear technologies and materials.
Regulations controlling external architectural materials and quality.
Regulations controlling allowable signage sizes, materials, illumination, and placement.
Responsible policies have been adopted to control the country's sensitive technologies, facilities and materials.
Progress has been made toward controlling Russian biological materials, though their status is less certain.
Thus it is distressing to learn that, for all the effort in recent years to control vulnerable materials in the former Soviet Union, progress has been slow.
They are controlled and precise, involving simplicity, avoidance of ornament, surfaces that are undecorated or geometrically patterned, natural materials and neutral tones.